Homebuyer Down
Payment Assistance Program

What Is The
Program About?

Miami-Dade County offers a homebuyer down payment assistance program that provides qualifying homebuyers with an interest-free loan of up to $35,000 to cover the down payment for their first home.
Eligibility is based on income thresholds, with individuals earning less than $95,620, couples making less than $109,200, three-person households earning less than $122,920, and households of four making less than $136,500 potentially being eligible for this program. The maximum award amount for this down payment assistance program is $35,000, making it a valuable resource for eligible homebuyers in Miami-Dade County.

Get up to $135,000 in financing assistance from Miami-Dade County for your new home, if qualified.


It’s important to note that specific requirements for the Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Program may vary and interested applicants should check with the relevant authority or program administrator for up-to-date and accurate information.
First-time homebuyer status: an individual who satisfies any of the following conditions: an individual or spouse who has not owned a principal residence within the three-year period leading up to the date of property purchase; a single parent who previously owned a home with a former spouse during their marriage; an individual who owned a principal residence that was not permanently affixed to a permanent foundation in compliance with relevant regulations; an individual who owned a property that did not meet state, local, or model building codes and cannot be brought into compliance without incurring costs higher than constructing a permanent structure.
As part of the program’s requirements, prospective homebuyers are also obligated to undergo homebuyer counseling from an agency certified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and successfully complete an approved homebuyer education training. The education training will encompass various crucial topics, including selecting a realtor, choosing a home, qualifying for mortgage financing (including PHCD homeownership programs), understanding a comprehensive home inspection, navigating purchase/sale contracts, learning home maintenance, managing credit affairs, and acquiring other essential skills for successful homeownership.

For further details regarding the Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Program, please access the following link to obtain up-to-date information.  LINK 

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